PRODUCTS Performance  Cost Efficiency

Product Overview
TimeCraft-PCA is Incentia's power analysis solution. It allows users to perform power analysis by taking SDC timing constraints directly. The following are highlighted features.

  • Vector-based (with input switching activity files) & vector-less analysis
  • Supports input switching activity in VCD, SAIF, and FSDB formats
  • Supports gate-level netlist with gate-level or RTL simulation switching activity
  • Average power, peak power, interval power
  • Reporting for switching power, state-dependent path-dependent (SDPD) internal power,
    SDPD leakage power, X-transition power, glitch power, and clock tree power
  • CPF & UPF support
  • Comfortably handles extremely large input switching activity files
  • 2X to 8X faster than other solutions
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