PRODUCTS Performance  Cost Efficiency

Product Overview
DesignCraft is Incentia's complete logic synthesis solution to synthesize and optimize for area, power, timing, and DFT (which requires TestCraft option license). The following are highlighted features.

  • Patented based technologies for sequential, low power, and DFT synthesis
  • Easy to adopt: compatible usage, Verilog/VHDL, SDC, NLDM .lib / CCS
  • Highly crafted architectures and implementations for data-path & logic operator
    components (e.g. adder, multiplier, and many others) for best constraint optimizations
  • Low power synthesis: clock gating, operator isolation, leakage power optimization,
    power analysis
  • DFT synthesis: scan cell replacement, DFT rule violation checking and fixing, scan
    chaining and stitching, DFT preview & reporting
  • Largest amount of area and power reduction while meeting timing constraints
  • Fast runtime: 5M gates within 2 hours
  • Proven through many customer tape-outs

Note that for DFT synthesis capability, TestCraft license option is required.
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